
Skunk Off Pet Shampoo

Skunk Off Pet Shampoo 8-oz

We hope you don’t need this one, but if the black and white varmint shows, you’ll want Skunk-Off. Better yet, if you live in an area where skunks live, you should have it now. Skunk-Off has an unlimited shelf life and lasts forever. With Skunk-Off, you can remove skunk odor from dogs, cats, home, carpet, car, clothes, and more. Can be used on clothing, carpet, and upholstery, A non-enzymatic formula that is safe for pets and people.

H-Brand Feed offers a variety of quality feeds for livestock and pets, farm and ranch supplies, and also serves as a hunting center, a haven for lawn and garden enthusiasts. Additionally, we’re proud to be your local STIHL supplier. Stop by our store located in Jacksboro, TX and explore our wide range of products and services. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to welcome you and help with all of your feed and supply needs.



Removes all traces of skunk spray from dogs, other pets, people, clothes, cars, homes.

Shake bottle before using. Wipe off excess skunk spray and then saturate the entire area with Skunk-Off Shampoo or liquid paying particular attention to the area of the direct hit. Work in thoroughly. Be sure to apply to eyelids, mouth, and in between toes. Thoroughly rinse animal and dry. If odor persists, continue to reapply as necessary.

All Thornell products are safe for use on any surface. As with any product, follow the label directions. Contains water, proprietary essential oil blend, and preservatives.
Keep out of the reach of children. For external use only.

Effectiveness decreased when using with Chlorine solutions. Always spot test for colorfastness.

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